Sustainable Mediterranean Construction

Call N.21

CALL n. 21 for the Scientific Journal SMC

ISSN printed edition: 2385-1546
ISSN on-line edition: 2420-8213
(n° 2/2024)

Sustainable Mediterranean Construction. Land Culture, Research and Technology

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Introduction to issue n.21 of 2025: Landscape and sustainability: cooperation and ecological transition

Provided the European Landscape Convention and its definitions, many disciplines have addressed the issue of the importance of protecting any kind of structured relationship between territory and living beings, with particular attention to anthropic societies’ role.

However, neither the designers of new spatial and territorial modifications, nor the scholars of the Planet’s natural aspects have addressed the phenomenon in a holistic way, i.e., by analysing the complexity of the natural and anthropic aspects altogether, but above all by looking for solutions that integrate the needs of the biotic and abiotic world, without neglecting possible enhancement for man’s and the Planet’s health.

The two spheres of scholars, on one hand biologists, geologists, botanists, zoologists, etc., and on the other anthropologists, sociologists and psychologists do not always interact with common objectives, but above all the further category of experts, territory transformers, agronomists, architects, urban planners, engineers, etc., do not always consider the scientific knowledge and discoveries as right means for helping to reorganize the landscape and its patterns in a sustainable way.

It is therefore evident that a kind of land’s spatial organization, aimed at such a vision of the landscape that consists with the demands of current modernity and the indispensable ecological transition, requires complex and agreed actions between the various stakeholders, so as to implement sustainable solutions.

In this light, the tool of cooperation, not aimed only at helping developing countries, but indeed expressed in a holistic sense, could be considered appropriate for an approach methodology to landscape change issue.

According to the well-known Egyptian architect Hassan Fathy, “… the housing had to be affordable and … to incorporate his ideas of using natural, locally sourced materials and of enlisting the community itself to contribute to the process.”[1]

The new issue here proposed will therefore be aimed at collecting contributions, articles, research and innovative ideas according to the mutual influence between various cooperative actions for landscape change, which will be more oriented to the ecological transition.

Issue n. 21: Landscape and sustainability: cooperation and ecological transition, in particular declined according to the following sub-topics:

  1. Sustainable landscape transformation
  2. STEM [2] and landscape ecology
  3. The role of cooperation for landscape
  4. Cities towards ecological transition
  5. Systems and materials for a sustainable landscape
  6. Social housing and ecological transition
  7. Environmental risk in landscape transformation
  8. Use of resources in landscape
  9. Paesaggio naturale e culturale
  10. The role of industrial design in the ecological transition of landscape
  11. Sustainable construction and landscape


[1] The Architectural Legacy of Hassan Fathy and the Birth of a New Vernacular, By Kenzy Fahmy
[2] Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

All submitted papers will be assessed by the Editorial Board and “double peer blindly” reviewed by an international panel of experts in the specific sectors.

The Journal is:

  • Indexed in SCOPUS since the issue n. 9; SCOPUS a partire dal numero 9;
  • Included in the Italian ANVUR Scientific Journals from October the 31st, 2018 (thus, the papers here published have also a recognition as VQR (the research assessment criteria) products; Riviste Scientifiche dal 31 ottobre del 2018 (gli articoli pubblicati hanno quindi valore anche quali prodotti della VQR biennale per la ricerca);
  • Included in the Italian ANVUR classification of Journals as A Class, from April the 7th, 2020, with a retrospective recognition since 2016. Classe A dal 7 aprile 2020 con valore retroattivo fin dal 2016.

Magazine main subjects - Construction technology, Material science, Survey and representation, Construction procedures and security, Urban planning, Land transformation and perception, History of architecture, Landscape design, Hydraulics, Geological impacts, Architectural and Engineering design, Energy saving, Structural and Technical physics, Industrial design, Environment and land sociology and Legal studies - are all connected with the sustainable construction in the Mediterranean region.

The magazine will provide cultural and information exchange between researchers, professionals, scientists, technicians as far as the achievement in the field of their actions and studies are concerned. Joined with the acceptance of the paper, the specific template, according to which the final version of the paper should be edited, could be downloaded by the authors from the SMC platform.

Important deadline dates for issue n 21:

Authors’ submission of abstractJanuary the 15th, 2024
Editorial Board’ acceptance of abstract22 January the 15th, 2025
Authors’ submission of full paperFebruary the 22nd, 2025
Notification of acceptance (after the double peer blind review process)April the 30th, 2025
Camera ready submissionMay the 12th, 2025
Registration paymentMay the 12th, 2025
Issue scheduled dateJune 2025

The abstracts should be submitted by means of the on-purpose format, found online in the “CALL FOR PAPERS” of the SMC platform, where it will be possible also to get the complete information about the modes for the submission.

The full papers, in the English version and in the mother-tongue one, reviewed according to the suggestions derived by the referee procedure, should be edited according to the “Template” downloadable from the SMC platform, then submitted in the two formats “Word” and “PDF”, to the following addresses: 

Please contact us for any information at:

The latest issue of the magazine
SMC N. 20 | 2024